Hello there Everyone!
It's been about a month since I've made a blog post, and a lot of that has just been due to Jeff and I wrapping up our wedding season and getting everything in gear for next year!
This post is going to be a little different than the majority of posts I make, as this one is going to serve as an apology to my personal clientele. I have a tendency to beat myself up a lot because of a constant desire to better myself. but with that comes a lot of self doubt and frustration because when I do make a mistake, I really take it deep. I made a few large mistakes this year, most of which involved print orders that were entered improperly, and a few re-edits that went unfinished due to forgetfulness. But I hope that all of you can be patient and understanding while I grow these businesses, I am still a young business man who has an extreme amount to learn, but every mistake I make I am learning from, and much like any small business owner, I take the people who are gracious enough to hire me, very very seriously.
So I just wanted to take the time to say that I'm sorry to anyone who has been waiting on an image, waiting on a print order, or just waiting to hear back from me in the last few months. When I began this year I knew it was going to be a lot of stress trying to juggle a full time job, with also running two businesses, dealing with personal stresses and tragedies, and trying to sleep more than an hour every night. But I did not expect it to be this much, and I let that stress get to me after a while. Now I know I'm only human, and I know that we all make mistakes once in a while, but I feel like it's my job to balance my work load, and I did not do that successfully this year. Going forward I will be taking the time I need to organize and juggle everything as needed, where as this year I just kept taking things on when I should have been saying no.
So from the bottom of my heart, and from a place of complete and absolute exhaustion, I want to say that I am sorry if I was a few days late responding to your email, I am sorry if I was a week late getting your photographs done, and I'm especially sorry if I at any point caused any of you any unneeded stress in your lives. When I decided to begin running these businesses, I wanted nothing more than to bring everyone the utmost happiness, whether that be from my personality, or from what I give them to hang on their livingroom walls, I only want the best for those who give me a chance.
Maybe this apology was unneeded, but I feel as if it were necessary. I love you all and thank you so much for sticking with me during this stressful and insane period. I can not thank you all enough.